SAXS in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Short online course
4 & 5 October 2023 14:00–16:00 CEST
Course on Small Angle X-ray Scattering in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Xenocs and BIOSAXS invite you to join our interactive two-day short course focused on the benefits and use of Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) for the pharmaceutical industry.
In addition to showcasing the benefits of SAXS at various stages of the drug development & production processes, we will cover practical workflows and how you can characterize and analyse (bio-)therapeutic systems, APIs and drug delivery systems with SAXS in the lab and at a synchrotron.
Reserve your place today to learn:
- how SAXS is used during drug discovery, formulation and production processes,
- what you can gain from the SAXS technique and how it complements analytical workflows,
- how properties such as overall shape & size, conformational & oligomeric polydispersity, degree of flexibility & stability are addressed with SAXS analysis,
- how you can characterize your samples with SAXS in your lab or at synchrotron facilities.
On request participants will receive the course materials.
3 October 2023
Registration is free. The number of participants is limited.
Your registration is pending until the final confirmation from the organizers. The course platform is GoToWebinar.
Attendees information will be processed and recorded by the organizers Xenocs SAS and BIOSAXS GmbH in accordance with their respective privacy policies. Please consult Xenocs SAS privacy policy & BIOSAXS GmbH privacy policy for more information.