- 测量催化剂纳米颗粒的大小和形状以及分散体中颗粒的浓度。
- 表征硅颗粒的生长机理和自组装
- 测量胶体分散体系、粉末或聚合物基体中的颗粒大小分布
- 确定加工过程中碳纳米管的排列
这个应用实例展示了实验室SAXS实验如何能够准确地对大尺寸纳米颗粒(> 100 nm)进行测定,

In-situ Small Angle X-ray Scattering for nanoparticle characterization
Nanoparticles are small particles, with at least one dimension between 1 and 100 nanometers. Their high surface-to-volume ratio provides them with unique properties which makes them attractive for use in highly technological as well as more trivial applications, for example […]

Number concentrations for Gold Nanoparticles: robust and traceable measurements in the lab
Nanoparticles (NPs) are an essential building block for the development of new materials with improved properties, e.g. optical, thermal or mechanical. Parameters such as the particle size, shape and concentration must be [..]

Size distribution of nanoparticles: powders, dispersions and composites
Nanoparticles are being produced at an increasing rate and have become an essential building block for the development of new materials with improved properties. The performance of the final products depends not only on the chemical nature of the nanoparticles but also […]

Size distribution of Gold Nanoparticles
NPs are used even at very low concentration in many applications such as coatings, cosmetics or drug delivery. The performance of the final product depends not only on the chemical nature of the NPs but also on their shape, size and specific surface area. It is therefore essential to […]